Category: Terrain Tricks
Volcanic Rock
If you want to do some terrain for a barren waste table, or are trying to simulate the surface of Mars, then volcanic rock is a great material to use. It is most commonly found …
Building a Defensive line
Sometimes you just need a little more cover than the table naturally provides. We wanted to be able to use a defense line for those occasions but it just doesn’t feel right to recycle Imperial …
Making Barbwire
Almost every battlefield can use some barbed wire! It makes for a great detail piece that can improve an existing terrain piece, or even stand on its own . This first technique we have for …
Making Cargo Nets
Single supply pallets make really good objectives all by themselves, but when used in mass they can make for very interesting terrain to play games on. The pallet itself is literally just a pile of …
The Importance of Size
So you've had a great idea for area terrain; a typical green forest, valley of rocks, cluster of crystals or maybe some ruins. No matter what you are making, there is a simple rule you …