Making Security Fences (part two)
Now that your fence posts are ready, it’s time to add the chain link fencing. The best material to use for this is craft wire mesh. It can usually be found in craft stores. If …
3D Printed Crystal Files
After getting several requests, we have decided to post the files for the crystals you can see here. The small crystals are what we used for that post. You can modify or take it as-is. The …
Making a Small Crystal Mold
We designed these crystals to be very simple to make and easy to manipulate. All of the crystals were given a vertical orientation for several reasons. The most obvious reason is that it is easier to make …
Making Security Fences (part one)
Security fences are another piece of terrain that can be useful in so many different situations. There are many different materials to choose from when making your fence posts, but for this example we are …
Internally Texturing Cast Crystals
If you have some crystal molds and want to make some really interesting or different looking crystals, internal texturing may just be what you’re looking for. There are a ton of different materials you could use, …
Making Concertina Wire
We've already taught you how to make barbed wire, but what do you do with it now? There are a lot of different barbed wire traps you can make to add variety to the battlefield, but …
From Concept to Reality (part two)
We finally finished our first set of master molds, so we can cast the production molds and see how well they work. Making these production molds is a fairly straightforward process. Just mix the two-part …
Making Barbwire (Round Two)
After spending a lot of time recently working with barbwire we figured that it was about time to write an update on the subject. This is a much faster and efficeint take on our second …
Lava Experiments
Recently we decided to start up our lava experiments again, trying out some ideas we've had stored away. We've had more misses than hits, but we're inching closer and closer to improving our lava. If you missed our original tutorial, …
A Fancier Bridge
Our bridge has been shaping up pretty well, but it is about time we started adding to it. First stop: stairs! Why stairs you ask? Stairs are actually a very common element on large bridges. And, …