Tag: warhammer 40k
Building a Defensive line
Sometimes you just need a little more cover than the table naturally provides. We wanted to be able to use a defense line for those occasions but it just doesn’t feel right to recycle Imperial …
Easy to make Crystal Terrain (part one)
So you want to make a crystal based set of terrain, but don’t know where to start? The easiest way to get going is with ready made crystals. The most common of these are decorative …
Working with Plastic Plants (part three)
Making larger plants like trees may look difficult, but it’s actually not much harder than making the smaller plants. A tree is just a collection of smaller plants all stuck together. You do have a …
Domed Adobe Buildings
These adobe structures are easy to build and don't cost very much to make! Hopefully this tutorial will give you some ideas and get you started on making your own structures. Many different materials can …
Working With Plastic Plants (part two)
Plant 1 For the first technique we are going to use a plant that already has a nice paint job. This way, we won’t have to paint the finished plants at all. This is also a …
Making Barbwire
Almost every battlefield can use some barbed wire! It makes for a great detail piece that can improve an existing terrain piece, or even stand on its own . This first technique we have for …
Working With Plastic Plants (part one)
Plastic plants come in many different sizes, shapes and colors, and are an excellent resource to use when making gaming terrain. They are very commonly used in aquariums, flower arrangements, and holiday decorations, just to …
Making Crystals
This is our first in depth how-to; be sure to leave any suggestions or questions so we can improve! This tutorial will show you how to create some intimidating crystals, and teach you how to make …
Making Cargo Nets
Single supply pallets make really good objectives all by themselves, but when used in mass they can make for very interesting terrain to play games on. The pallet itself is literally just a pile of …
The Perfect Lava
Lava is weird. Really weird. It is bright, it flows like a river, it burns, and can cool down to a solid all by itself. All of these traits make it a really cool environment …