Concept sketches of a 15mm Trench System.

Many companies already make a trench system, so why are we planning on making another one? Trenches intended to be used in miniature games are really an artistic representation, and it is very difficult to …

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Building a Sandbag Bunker

The most common bunkers on gaming tables are concrete ones. While it is true that concrete is the most preferred material to construct a bunker with, it wasn’t the most common material used. The vast …

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Bridge Model First Castings

Introducing what will hopefully be our first of many products. We have been working on the design for this bridge for a while now and we are almost ready to start selling them. This is …

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Bridge accessory pieces concept sketches

Here are a few of the latest ideas for add-ons to the basic bridge design. We are trying to make the bridge as versatile as possible, being able to  represent as wide a variety of …

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15mm Bridge Prototype

This bridge was originally designed to be made in 28mm. Scaling it down to 15mm was very simple since it only required a little bit of adjustment to the basic design. We plan to make …

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Lava Experiments

Recently we decided to start up our lava experiments again, trying out some  ideas we've had stored away. We've had more misses than hits, but we're inching closer and closer to improving our lava. If you missed our original tutorial, …

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A Fancier Bridge

Our bridge has been shaping up pretty well, but it is about time we started adding to it. First stop: stairs! Why stairs you ask? Stairs are actually a very common element on large bridges. And, …

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Making Monoliths (part two)

The first stumbling block we came to was that our model was too big for the printer. Instead of printing it out as one piece, we were forced to break it up into four. In …

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Printed Hive

This hive was an experiment to see what we could do with our 3d modeling skills and our printer. It didn’t turn out exactly as we expected, but we learned a lot. The printer did something …

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Making Monoliths (part one)

  This idea for our version of a monolith first came along with the original Apocalypse rules. Within those rules was a formation of monoliths, where one of those floating fortresses was made into something even scarier: the Doomsday …

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