Building a Sandbag Bunker

The most common bunkers on gaming tables are concrete ones. While it is true that concrete is the most preferred material to construct a bunker with, it wasn’t the most common material used. The vast …

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Making Dragon’s Teeth

Dragon's Teeth are a great obstacle to use; unfortunately I didn’t like most of the commercially available ones. Most of them are way too large, and don’t look very good when placed on a table. Naturally, I …

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Our store has launched!

We've talked about it for a while now, and the time has finally come! We have launched our store with a single  product, the 15mm Modular Bridge Kit. We will be adding more products that can be used to …

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Making Monoliths (part three)

We have finished our first usable printed monolith, and the results are pretty neat! For more details on how we made this, you can check out parts one and two. The first three pictures here are washed …

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3D Printed Crystal Files

After getting several requests, we have decided to post the files for the crystals you can see here. The small crystals are what we used for that post. You can modify or take it as-is. The …

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Lava Experiments

Recently we decided to start up our lava experiments again, trying out some  ideas we've had stored away. We've had more misses than hits, but we're inching closer and closer to improving our lava. If you missed our original tutorial, …

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Making Monoliths (part two)

The first stumbling block we came to was that our model was too big for the printer. Instead of printing it out as one piece, we were forced to break it up into four. In …

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Making Monoliths (part one)

  This idea for our version of a monolith first came along with the original Apocalypse rules. Within those rules was a formation of monoliths, where one of those floating fortresses was made into something even scarier: the Doomsday …

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Making Crystals

This is our first in depth how-to; be sure to leave any suggestions or questions so we can improve! This tutorial will show you how to create some intimidating crystals, and teach you how to make …

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The Scorched Land

There isn't much going on in the Scorched Land. It has some big rocks and few plants have started to grow in around the edges. Did I mention the rocks? We have enough to cover …

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