Making a playable Marsh (part two)

  The third plant was made using this funny looking decor item I found in an interior decorating shop.   It consisted of a bunch of individual fronds all arranged around a spherical frame to give it the …

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Making 15mm Wire Obstacles (part two)

  Now that you have decided on a wire entanglement pattern that you want, it’s time to start actually making it. The following is a recommended sequence to use while making the particular pattern that we …

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Making 15mm Wire Obstacles (Part One)

The first step in making some wire obstacles is deciding on what style you want to make. Factors like time period, location, and nation of origin can have a very big influence on what you …

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Experimenting with making 15mm barbed wire (part one)

Making wire obstacles in 15 mm can be quite a challenge since at such a small scale the wire would actually be too small to see. How do you represent something that is too small …

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15mm Trees (part one)

Working with smaller-scale vegetation is very similar to their larger-scale cousins, but with a few interesting differences. It’s all about finding or making suitable armatures and applying flock to them. Some items make great armatures …

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Making Monoliths (part one)

  This idea for our version of a monolith first came along with the original Apocalypse rules. Within those rules was a formation of monoliths, where one of those floating fortresses was made into something even scarier: the Doomsday …

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Making a large building (part one)

Making a large multipart building is a little different than making a normal one for several different reasons. True it’s basically just a bigger version of smaller buildings, however because of its size it does …

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Silk Flower Vegetation

If you are tired of playing on tables that look like Earth, one of the easiest ways to get an alien appearance is to use silk flowers to make this vegetation. It also has the …

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Working with Plastic Plants (part three)

Making larger plants like trees may look difficult, but it’s actually not much harder than making the smaller plants. A tree is just a collection of smaller plants all stuck together. You do have a …

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Working With Plastic Plants (part two)

Plant 1 For the first technique we are going to use a plant that already has a nice paint job. This way, we won’t have to paint the finished plants at all. This is also a …

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