Making Monoliths (part two)
The first stumbling block we came to was that our model was too big for the printer. Instead of printing it out as one piece, we were forced to break it up into four. In …
Printed Hive
This hive was an experiment to see what we could do with our 3d modeling skills and our printer. It didn’t turn out exactly as we expected, but we learned a lot. The printer did something …
Making Monoliths (part one)
This idea for our version of a monolith first came along with the original Apocalypse rules. Within those rules was a formation of monoliths, where one of those floating fortresses was made into something even scarier: the Doomsday …
Bridge Prototype
At this point, we have printed out six bridge pieces. This isn’t enough to assemble a complete bridge, however it is enough to do half of a small one. All we were trying to do …
From Concept to Reality (part one)
You may have seen our bridge concept already. Well, we are happy to report that we have taken the first steps on the road to making that a reality! Here is the plan that we have …
Translucent Grasses
Tall grasses are an excellent way to fill in those empty spots in your jungle. The underbrush is just as important as trees are for making a jungle look real, and with something this easy, …
Psychedelic Mushrooms
Fungi are a lot of fun on the tabletop! Mixing some fungal flavor into your tabletop terrain will make it look much more alien, and ends up being pretty easy (and cheap) to do. Our large mushrooms were made using …
Puffy Plants
I bet that a lot of you are familiar with this handy material (usually referred to as “granny grating”). It has a lot of uses in terrain making, but isn’t usually used to make vegetation. However, …
Bridge Concepts
Behind the scenes at 18charlie, we've been talking about creating a Kickstarter to fund some of the more complicated ideas we've had, and bring them to the public. This is just one of the ideas …
Making a Large Tower (part two)
With the main parts of the towers assembled it was now time to start adding the details to the structures. A wide variety of object can be used for this process so always keep an …